Friday, July 25, 2008

Arrived in Beijing

Arrived safe and sound in Beijing. Still working on internet and work network connectivity, but we're in the Media Center facility this morning and I had a couple of minutes to make a quick post. More detail to follow...I promise.

  • Airport: Nice & new, but had to wait around 40 minutes for our checked baggage.
  • Transportation: There were a boatload of Olympics volunteers at the airport, and once we found the correct exit door where the shuttles were located, we got to our housing fine.
  • Housing: The media village is new buildings, but they're pretty spartan and basic. I'll post some pictures I took of our room as soon as I can get them together. The description as being like college dorm suites was dead-on.
  • Food: We went hunting for dinner last night at the media village. There are several restaurants (creatively named "Restaurant 1", "Restaurant 2", etc.). Only one was open. When we asked someone to direct us, he took us to the staff cafeteria...oops. We found the right one quickly, though, and were the only ones there. Food was OK. After that we just went back to our rooms, had a beer and were in bed by 8:30pm because we were all jet-lagged (I was up by 4am watching TV because I couldn't sleep that long).
  • Climate:'s so smoggy here. I took a couple of pics (again, I'll get them up as soon as I can). I honestly feel sorry for the atheletes competing in outside endurance events.
  • Logistics: Bear with me. We're still getting internet/network and telephone dial-out type stuff set up (actually, a lot of it is us setting it up for ourselves), so I'm getting access to things as quickly as I can for calling, emailing and updating the blog.

Gotta go...everyone's wanting to get breakfast before we get started this morning so they're leaving with or without me!

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