Saturday, July 26, 2008

Media Housing - It's "OK"

A few pics of the media housing. It's a set of mid- to high-rise buildings (20-30 stories) clustered around a central coutyard, with another string of buildings running off that central area. Only credentialed folks can get in, and you have to go through airport-type security (x-ray machines, put your credential on a scanning machine, etc.) to get in and out. The complex is surrounded by a fence with guards about every hundred feet or so.

Inside the complex are several restaurants that I mentioned earlier (we've counted 8 so far), two gyms, pool, a couple of general stores, self-service laundry in each building and a full-service laundry/dry cleaner. There's a big park across the street from the housing, but I haven't checked it out yet.

There are a tremendous number of paid and volunteer staff everywhere you turn...we accidentally stumbled across their cafeteria last night at dinnertime while looking for the restaurant and despite seeing a lot of them outside, there must've been over 200 folks in the cafeteria.

The haziness you can see in the pictures isn't poor's the way the air really looks. Check out the buildings in the distance in the outdoor shots...if you can see them, that is!

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